We spent close to 4 years creating our BSP Veil and BSP Pearlscale line. We are now working on a BSP Pearlscale Veil line. We have all the pairs we need now so we can put this pair up for sale. Female is a Double Dark Seal Point Veil and Male is a Seal Point Pearlscale. They will produce Seal Point Veils and Seal Point standards as well as some Lilac Point veils and standards. All fry will carry a single dose of the Pearlscale gene so next generation will make Seal Point Pearls and Seal Point Veil Pearls. (as well as Lilac Point veil pearls and Lilac Point pearls). Very rare pair to find in the USA. Barely 7 months old and have given us 3 very nice spawns to date.
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