Select High Coverage Koi Angelfish

(1 customer review)

it takes Exceptional breeding stock and a lot of hard work and dedication to offer these exceptional intense color and high coverage Kois.  Much more tank space and care is needed to have some of the best quality full coverage Koi’s available.  We are proud that we can offer them for sale.

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SKU: REDKOI Category:


We select the most intense color and highest coverage from our BEST breeders.  You won’t be disappointed when you receive them.  Just know that with Koi Angelfish for them to retain and even improve the color intensity and coverage they must be in a good environment and need to be feed foods that are high in carotene.  We also suggest putting them in a tank with Dark Backgrounds.  The food that we feed all of our Koi’s is our Grand Champion RED granule.  This is one of the best foods you can buy.  It is coated at 400ppm astaxthian.  And it is a granule (not extruded) so it retains all of it’s vitamins and protein.


Additional information

Angelfish Size Options

Extra Small, Extra Small Veil, Small Standard, Small Veil, Medium Standard, Medium Veil, Large Standard, Large Veil, Young Adult Standard, Young Adult Veil, XL Adult Standard, XL Adult Veil

Pack Quantities

1 ea, 6 Pack

1 review for Select High Coverage Koi Angelfish

  1. Jeffrey (verified owner)

    Angelfish are beautiful, intriguing creatures. This one is a beauty! Highly recommend AngelfishUSA for quality/healthy fish!

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